Flashing N810 tablet under Ubuntu 9.10

By , 2009-11-04 12:36

“sudo modprobe -r cdc_phonet should resolve your problem.”


Apple Lossless audio directshow filter

By , 2009-11-03 12:46


Protected: Halloween 09

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By , 2009-11-01 16:29

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TSC sync XNU patch – InsanelyMac Forum

By , 2009-10-31 09:49

TSC sync XNU patch – InsanelyMac Forum.

Fix to avoid needing cpus=1 at boot for Core Duo machines (typically Dell)

My MacBook has a bug…

By , 2009-10-30 11:24

Update: Just called Apple tech support about this (Still in the 90 days!). The support agent burst out laughing and put me on hold for a while, before finally telling me to bring the Mac in to an Apple Store for service.


Yes, it’s IN BETWEEN the GLASS and the LCD panel.

Crane collapses at Dufferin and Steeles

By , 2009-10-23 20:11



I was a bit late for work this morning. I was stopped at the light at Dufferin and Steeles. The light went green but no one moved. I was confused. This is what happened.

Motorola V3c (Bell) Security code

By , 2009-10-21 14:08

Found on bell’s website.


By , 2009-10-19 13:13

Let it never be said that I don’t seed generously

utorrent ratio

Asus C2N7A-I Celeron 220 with NVIDIA Ion chipset

By , 2009-10-18 16:33

C2N7A-I. Quite a complex model number, but that’s ASUS for you.

Anyway, there’s been a lot of buzz lately about NVIDIA Ion and Intel Atom-based small-form-factor PCs. I have personally tested out some Atom-based netbooks and nettops (Acer Aspire One, Asus Eeetop, Toshiba NB200) and honestly, the performance is not too hot. They are really intended for some web browsing and e-mail, and the occasional YouTube video.

The answer to that seems to be ASUS’ C2N7A-I. It combines an Intel Celeron 220 processor with NVIDIA’s ION chipset and GeForce graphics. Since the Celeron 220 is essentially a Core 2 solo with reduced cache and clock speed, it should totally pwn offer much greater performance than the Atom 330 + ION combo.

I haven’t tested this myself, but I recently built a SFF ITX desktop to use as an HTPC. I found the ASUS ITX-220 board at SwiftGamers for under $80. It includes the Celeron 220 with an Intel 945G chipset. So far I’m quite happy with the system; the real weak point with the ITX-220 is the lack of HDMI or DVI out (this is not an issue with the ION based C2N7A-I). It runs Ubuntu 9.04, Windows 7 or Mac OS X 10.5 quite happily and can handle 720p H.264 video smoothly.

With that experience, I expect the C2N7A-I to be quite a good performer for an ITX-based PC. Now to find one for sale somewhere…

via Yersys Technology Blog: Asus C2N7A-I spotted, pairs Celeron 220 with NVIDIA Ion chipset.

Toy Story 3

By , 2009-10-17 20:23

Apple – Trailers – Toy Story 3.


Pixar is making Toy Story 3. Looks awesome.

aand because I feel like embedding media (1920×1080!) :

Toy Story 3

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