Snow Leopard on Dell Inspiron 640m/e1405 UPDATED
Update 3: For anyone looking for it: 10.6.2-IONDRVSupport.kext
Update 2: My Inspiron worked great, but took FOREVER to boot because it was “Waiting for DSMOS”. Today I finally took the time to do a quick google and found the solution:
in terminal, type “sudo chown root:wheel /” and restart
It seems the owner of the root somehow gets messed up, probably after Chameleon install (just a wild guess).
Thanks to bertmannaustria @ InsanelyMac! (Original thread)
Update: For anyone who is having problems, I have a new kext package. This is a zip of my /Extra folder that I’m using right now on my Inspiron 640m. 640mExtra-Updated Also my system is 32-bit only, so I can’t guarantee this will work in 64-bit mode.
After much trial and error, I finally found the proper procedure for installing Snow Leopard onto my Inspiron 640m. For reasons that I cannot fathom, I was unable to perform the chameleon cdboot/swap to boot from the retail Snow DVD. It might be my DVD drive, or some other cause, but I didn’t bother finding out; I just took the hard drive out of my laptop and connected it via USB to my iMac.
Here’s the procedure that I followed yesterday to install Mac OS X 10.6.0 on my Inspiron 640m. It’s tested, working and stable, everything is great except that this laptop does NOT wake from sleep. It goes to sleep just fine, just won’t wake. Here goes:
- Remove hard drive from the Inspiron. Connect it using a hard drive dock or USB to SATA enclosure/adapter.
- Put Mac OS X Snow Leopard DVD into existing Mac (Hackintosh or real mac, doesn’t matter).
- Using Disk Utility, partition your Inspiron’s drive as you like, using a GUID Parition table.
- With your Snow Leopard DVD mounted, in Finder, choose Go to folder. In the box that comes up type “/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Installation/Packages”.
- This will open a folder with a lot of install pkgs. Find OSInstall.mpkg and double-click it.
- Follow the steps to install Snow Leopard, making sure to pick the proper drive for installation.
- Once the installation is done, eject your USB drive and put the hard drive back in your Inspiron.
- Download the Inspiron6400.iso and burn it to a CD.
- Power up your Inspiron and boot from the CD
- From the Chameleon menu, use the arrow keys to select the hard drive.
- Type the following boot arguments: -v cpus=1
- Your Inspiron should boot into Snow Leopard. Congratulations!
- Download my 2 Inspiron kext packages: Inspiron640mExtensions Inspiron640mExtra
- In the Inspiron640mExtensions, you will find kext helper. Run it, and drag AppleBCM440XEthernet.kext, VoodooBattery.kext and VoodooHDA.kext onto it, enter password and install.
- You will also find the Chameleon RC4 installer. Run it, but DON’T reboot at the end.
- Extract the Copy the contents of the extracted Extra folder to /Extra.
- Remove the Inspiron6400 CD and reboot. hopefully your laptop should boot fine from the hard drive.
Just a few notes:
- I cannot get the laptop to wake from sleep. As such, the SleepEnabler.kext is not included. I also included the InsomniaX app which you might choose to install to prevent your laptop from sleeping.
- This method seems to be update-safe. I just updated to 10.6.2 using Software Update and all is ok.
- When the clamshell display is closed, the Dell BIOS or something blanks the screen. Mac OS cannot re-enable the screen and you’ll be stuck staring at a black LCD. To circumvent this, set one of your screen corners in Expose prefs to put the display to sleep. If ever you find yourself with a black screen, move the cursor to that corner to force the display to sleep, then wake it up again.
- The Intel PRO 3945 ABG wireless card that came with my Inspiron (and all Inspirons that are branded “Centrino”) does NOT work with Mac OS X. I swapped mine for a Dell 1505 Draft-N card (cheap on eBay) that works perfectly out-of-the-box.
- The Broadcom 440x ethernet card seems to work fine, I tested it briefly with some light web browsing. However, the original thread says that the driver occasionally drops connections, so YMMV.
- Finally, a quick thanks to all the OSX86 devs. None of the kexts found here are made by me, all credit goes to the original authors. I found all the necessary info over at the InsanelyMac forum.