Posts tagged: Friends

Week in review

By , 2009-09-30 20:02

Yes, I know it’s Wednesday. However I feel that the first half of this week has been eventful enough to merit a blog post. I’ll start right from Sunday.

Sunday looked like it was going to be a low-key day. All I had planned was to clean up my room and do my laundry. Early in the afternoon, I got a call from Charlie who told me that they were having a surprise party for Alina’s belated birthday at Diane’s condo. Naturally, I had to go. Had quite an awesome time, between guitar, sushi, mafia and just hanging out, it was a great night.

[youtube_hd 4HjMokTvFFk]

Monday also started off pretty quiet. (Literally, because since David is away on vacation in Europe, we don’t have Fréquence 3 playing in our office) Then I got an e-mail from upstairs telling me that my new Macbook Pro had arrived. I must say, it is a damn fine piece of equipment – glossy and brushed aluminium, no evidence of air vents, backlit keyboard, large trackpad… kudos, Apple. That afternoon, I was about to go into a meeting (where a whole lot of new projects were discussed) when Emma called. The boss was waiting, so I called her back later. Turns out the laptop I gave her was stolen from her living room while she was sleeping. Not a very nice thought/feeling. I went over to her place after work and had dinner with her Alina, Charlie and Muna. We watched the season premiere of House (a week late) and talked, again a pretty good night.

Tuesday I woke up on the couch (a very comfortable retro couch 😉 ), got ready for work and said goodbye to Emma. Outside, I found a parking ticket. (No overnight parking on Baldwin St. without permit apparently. Also, I think it’s pretty cool that the parking ticket was printed on plastic… Is that weird?) I then proceeded to drive to work. I took Bathurst St. north from College to Finch, most pleasant commute I’ve had in a long time, probably because it was refreshing to see some old downtown neighbourhoods that I’ve never seen before.

Today was the least interesting day of the week so far, not that it was a bad day, just didn’t particularly stand out. Pretty busy day, sorting through cerberus, making phone calls, installing jabber clients, troubleshooting access points… I also discovered a fantastic FREE personal finance software for Mac, iCompta. As with most mac apps, it’s pretty, and it works very well. (merci Mathieu).

So, thus ends the week (so far) in review. But the week’s far from over. Yet to come are Dance Cave on Friday, Nuit Blanche on Saturday… and a haircut, sometime.

A stormy day off work

By , 2009-08-21 01:44

So I was off work today… It was a pretty good day, just generally relaxed. Spent the day at home, then out for tea and a movie with old high school friends. I left home at around 6pm and it had just started pouring rain, with a few fantastic bolts of lightning. I walked in to the coffee shop and while i was waiting for everyone to show up, I noticed that the TV in the corner was showing CP24 news. Apparently there had been a tornado in the area of Vaughan Mills shopping centre. While we didn’t experience much more than a severe thunderstorm (and some flooding, it seems Silver City was closed), the whole experience was somewhat surreal: friends together around a coffee shop table watching news reports and amateur video footage, while fire trucks passed by outside… It was quite nice though, we talked about all kinds of things, joked about horoscopes, discussed storms…

After we had chatted for a while, we decided to go watch District 9. It was a decent movie, quite entertaining, and I thought it was pretty cool that it was set in South Africa, instead of the USA.

A few videos and pictures from the storm (not mine, unfortunately):

“Take Immediate Precautions” … lol

Aaand I suppose that’s all for now.

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