Category: Uncategorized
At the risk of looking like a complete idiot
Here’s a bit of DOS batch-file scripting.
@ECHO OFF ECHO. FOR loop test for /L %%N in (0,1,12) do call :test %%N goto End :test echo %1 goto :eof :End Echo.Reached End pause |
High Dynamic Range
Today I finally decided to try this HDR thing I’ve heard so much about. It was actually quite easy. I may not be getting optimal results, but I think what I got is pretty cool for messing around for 15 minutes. I just set up AEB on my Rebel XSi, then took the resultant 3 images and threw them into Photomatix. The leftmost picture is the HDR-process result, and the other 3 are the -3, 0 and +3.
Hey Apple, YOU’RE holding it wrong
So yesterday, the iPhone 4 was released in the US, the UK and many other countries other than Canada. And the Internet is all abuzz over the problems with reception on the iPhone 4. Basically, the problem is that human hands are conductive, and when holding the bottom left corner of the phone, skin creates a bridge between the HSPA and Bluetooth/Wifi antennae (antennas?) and causes the phone to drop connections as seen here:
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=450 height=253 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
An iPhone 4 user sent an e-mail to Mr. Jobs regarding the problem and received a curt reply:
So, according to Steve, we all need to adjust the way we hold our phones. Not a huge deal I suppose, but as a clever user pointed out, I think we learned by example.
Resetting Adium to use user account icon
A clean Adium profile wiill by default use your Mac’s user icon as the “display picture” for your IM accounts. Changing your DP once breaks this association.
To fix : Edit ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/Account Status.plist and delete the “User Icon” Data value.
That’s it!
“¡Dos piezas de pollo!”
Latest Atheros drivers
Unfortunately my blog has been the victim of neglect lately. I have a few posts that have been saved as “drafts” and were never published. Over the next little while I’ll be cleaning those up and publishing them, and posting links to them here.
Also, I just did a clean install of WordPress and reimported all content. So if anything is broken, let me know.