My name is Alex

By , 2012-04-01 09:02



“Winter” in Toronto

By , 2012-04-01 02:19

Some photos taken on a walk 3 weeks ago (March 11, 2012). We hit 15 C that day, and thought it was warm. Little did we know temperatures would reach the upper 20s soon afterwards, then drop back to the “normal” seasonal range.

Character encoding

By , 2012-03-29 11:41



I run my site on Linux, using UTF-8 encoding soooo I can do this:


without getting a bunch of this:


Important note that nano on Linux always works in UTF-8 as far as I can tell, so to get a js file or what have you to display proper characters you’ll need to use iconv to convert the final file to ISO-8859-1/Latin-1 or whatever encoding you happen to be using.

iconv -c -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 someCamelCaseScriptFilename.js  -o someOtherCamelCaseScriptFilename.js

Web server fingerprints

By , 2012-03-23 23:34

Running Apache 2 (Debian) on Windows 2008, and Microsoft IIS on Linux. Like a boss.


Enabling “swap” in an OpenVZ container

By , 2012-03-23 19:28

Oracle client for Linux for some reason requires 1GB of swap space, and will refuse to install, even if you have 9999999999TB of RAM, but 0 swap. Go figure.

Anyway, an OpenVZ container created with Proxmox will by default have 0 swap allocated, despite the Web UI allowing you to specify swap space.

In order to add swap to the container, from a shell prompt, run

On a somewhat related note, here’s how to install oracle client on Debian:

debian + php5 + oracle (oci8)

vzctl set 213 –swappages 262144 –save


Where 213 is your CTID, and 262144 is the amount of swappages you want. 1 page=4096 bytes , so 262144 = rougly 1024MB.

Also, Oracle installer detects 262144 swappages as 1023MB and change, so you will have to put something like 262200 instead.


Rainy day on the St. Clair Streetcar

By , 2012-03-23 10:18


WordPress: How to create a page that displays a specific category archive

By , 2012-03-20 11:01

Quick way to display a “Category archive” as a page in WordPress

  1. In your wp-content/themes folder, copy the “category.php” file to “template-categorypage-categoryname.php”.
  2. Edit the template-categorypage-categoryname.php.
  1. Add
    * Template Name: CategoryName Category page

    to the top of the page.

  2. After the first
     tag, add
    <?php query_posts('cat=[categoryid]&posts_per_page='.get_option('posts_per_page')); ?>
    Where [categoryid] is your WordPress numeric category ID.
  3. Create a new page and choose the template “CategoryName Category page” from the page attributes sidebar widget.

Old Bell pay phone

By , 2012-03-17 01:37


Windows XP driver to force CF as fixed disk (

By , 2012-03-16 10:39

Some CF cards identify themselves as removable disks as opposed to fixed disks.

This poses a problem when using a CF card as the primary install drive for Windows, which will not enable DMA or pagefile on “removable” disks.

The solution is to force the driver for a Hitachi MicroDrive on the CF card. (Not the IDE controller)

(File source:*/

Christie Pits park

By , 2012-03-11 13:46


Custom theme by me. Based on Panorama by Themocracy