How to buy technology

By , 2014-01-09 19:28

Being  a “computer” guy, I often get asked all kinds of questions related to technology.

Some questions that come up quite often are “What kind of laptop should I buy?” or “What do you think of [insert name of tablet]?” or “My laptop is old. I need a new one, but I’m thinking of Windows 8/iPad/Android instead. What are your thoughts?”

The best advice I can offer anyone is:

What are you looking for in your electronic device?

Whether you’re shopping for a car, a house, a phone etc. it helps to know what you’re looking for. If you work in construction and need to haul 2x4s and bricks and things fairly often, a sport coupé is probably not the right car for you. Likewise, when picking a mobile computing device, you should think about what you need the device to be able to do. So, before shopping, take a step back and evaluate your needs and wants for your mobile computer.

So, before even looking at the latest Best Buy flyer – a few questions to ponder:

  • What are the workloads? Word processing, web browsing, YouTube (HD), e-mail, gaming, music, photo editing, etc.
  • What kind of apps do you want to use?
  • Where will you be using the device? In class? On the train/bus? In meetings? At your desk?
  • Will you be carrying the device a lot? In a bag?
  • Are you looking for something stylish? flashy? durable?
  • Do you really need a portable device? Desktop computers are still a good option, and there are interesting all-in-one options.

There are all kinds of technology form factors today, and more being created all the time. Everyone’s needs and preferences are different, but there’s probably a device that’s just right.

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